Below you will find a list of simple things you and your awake friends in
your area can do. Many are free and fun plus totally legal. We will add more
to the list as resistance ideas grow and highlight the most successful. Be
cautious of anybody new to your group trying to get you to do anything
criminal, always analyze information and work alongside trusted and
established friends.
As you know this is a complex battle and for those that have studied this
for a while you can see the NWO is almost in a win win situation with a one
world currency being pushed by both sides, calming Tesla rays instead of 5G
and cashless payments etc etc etc

No Masked Shopping Trips.
It's a lonely experience shopping in the mega stores and others with no mask. So arrange a time for shopping trips with a group of friends or follow times below and make this a pleasurable experience again. If anyone says anything educate them. They will obviously be simpletons and unaware of the law. Keep your responses simple as it will be all they can deal with, maybe suggest they change the channel, throw the TV in the bin, you will get legionnaires wearing that etc etc etc.... Anyone wearing a mask ask them "Have they arrested Bill Gates Yet?" if they answer let them know they can take that off when they do! Download 6 COVID FACTS pdf and distribute.Venue - Tesco (use same times other stores) Other Countries swap for Walmart etc
Location - National
Times - 8.30am - 12.30pm - 7.30pm (6 days a week / Sundays 12.30 pm only)
Independent business owners that are aware can attract more customers by placing a big bin outside their premises with signage on it for people to sling their stinking face nappies in. Keep Britain Tidy.. Keep Britain Free! Independent business owners not aware should watch this Video...
Tesco – Shop in Our Stores / Buy Shares
Buy Shares in Tesco (We Own Tesco) etc etc (No Fees) (certificated £45 Trading fee)
Latest Share Values and History - Tesco PLC (TSCO.L)
We have all helped build Tesco over the last 100 years so now we need to take the Company WE built back. As the second largest UK employer (besides government) we must ensure that the diktat of unlawful corporation orders from a corrupt upper management are not enforced on OUR shop floor staff in order to breach their human rights and those of our customers. When our staff stop following their dodgy managers orders it's all over. We must also STOP OUR workers from loosing their jobs only to be recruited again on a new contract that may include a raft of tyrannical rules or mandates.
Shop in OUR stores, complain about any shortages, complain about the lack of cash tills, Government Propaganda, etc etc – Make suggestions to management and staff of any improvements that can be made at YOUR local store! We want to Sell More!
Buy Shares -We encourage those with spare cash to buy Tesco shares. As a share holder you will have more input on future decisions and right of complaint regarding money spent on government propaganda, demonic or offensive marketing campaigns etc. Plus if lots of you buy shares then you can also make some money! A Win Win situation and hopefully in the future OUR Tesco will work with us to improve our towns and cities repairing the damage done to small/local businesses in the past!
Thank Our Staff for their hard work Today
Shop in Tescos - Buy Shares in Tesco
Join us at the

Talk to Our Staff and Customers
Buy Shares in Tesco (We Own Tesco) etc etc (No Fees) (certificated £45 Trading fee)
Merry Christmas to our Staff
Call the Cops
The Police work for us! Black lives matter and the NWO want to get rid of the Police. Soon they will have no jobs or pensions. Phone the Police and report a CriminalBill Gates
George Soros
Tony Blair
Boris Johnson
etc etc etc.............
Even this guy could have rounded these up faster - Video...
Once you have a crime number phone back and see how their investigation is going? ask if they need any help finding the Evidence!
Speak to your local Police when/if you see them in the street and report more REAL criminal activity.

Ring - Visit your Council - MP
These people? also work for us supposedly? Ring or visit to find out if
the lower level staff are aware of UN Agenda 21/30 that they are implementing.
If not demand to speak to someone higher up that does and ask them any questions
you may have that you have found in the documents below that they are beginning
to enforce with no consent of the people!Last Chance Saloon for Our MP’s before we create our own Party and stand Independent candidates against them!
Please send this letter written by our Barrister to Your MP either as a local group or individual constituent before the 10th of December.
They have a duty of care and need to make their constituents aware of the Warning Notice. Download docs below.
Malfeasance Warning - Send to Schools
Download this Malfeasance Warning Document - Please print out and hand deliver to your local School, to Teachers, Heads, Governors. Copy paste text and e-mail teachers, education authorities. They will all personally be held responsible for any health injuries caused to our Children! Malfeasance Warning Download /View PDF download edit word file Decline PCR Test Your Child (Word Doc)More Letter Templates Visit Miri AF web site
Download Documents Here
from the coronavirus vaccination and any subsequent vaccinations/coronavirus passport.
Notice of dissent from secondary use of GP identifiable data
12 Questions You Should Ask - Before being SHOT??
6 COVID FACTS Document (right click select save link as)
Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President -
Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.
Download / Share Electronically or Print
Print and spread copies locally - get 2500 for around £80
Select Print Double Sided - Load up document - Proof check
Go to Printers Site
Distribute on Cars - To Businesses - Mask Wearers - Cops etc etc
Interesting!! More Gov Data
Analysis of data for statutory notifications of infectious diseases (NOIDS) Covid 19 weekly Infections, not cases, not deaths. 2020.
Only Starts from week 10 - Total Infections for England and Wales is only around 14,000 up to week 52 (43 weeks)
For such a deadly hyped up disease you have to scroll down to page 14 on each report to find data?? You would expect to be No1??
Take a look....
Face Mask Rules - Gov Info Visit Site
SIGN THIS - The Great Barrington Declaration
Magna Carta 2020 – Declaration of Rights
Their Agendas...
Agenda 21
Agenda 30
CoronaVirus Act 2020 (a must read!)
MindSpace (Destroying You, Your Governments and Institutions) World Population by Country 2025 (UK 14M -78%) Now Removed From Main Site (Screen Shot of UK figures)
XLS Spreadsheet - Download (PPP = Average annual income per person - Pop = Population in that Year)
View all Country Data using the Way Back Machine **Once at link click on Black Deagel logo - (Make sure Way Back Header appears.)
Click on List of Countries - Then Click Switch to 2025 View
Crimson Contagion
Eco Science 1977 John P Holden (Page Guide )
Robert F Kennedy Speech Berlin 29/08/20 History of The NWO The Magna Carta Nuremberg Code Corpus Juris
MP's Served Notice
Wodarg Yeadon EMA Petition Pfizer Trial 01DEC2020
Be Your own Leader!
Be a Warrior of Light! 11.11
Find a Good Pub Bar (If any Still Left!)
Find a good Pub, Bar, Club or Restaurant that does not go along with the bullshit. Support them and meet awake friends here. Make them stronger and richer in order to fight any nonsense that will come their way from enforcers. Make the owners aware of the information you know so that they have more questions and proofs for the enforcers than they will be able to deal with. Offer your support if they run into trouble! Do not support corporations such as Spoons..More Tools To Wake Someone UP!
A Cricket Bat - Basic but effective! Buy
Use the DeFibrillator - Visit

Make - Display Banners - Visit

Join The RAF - Visit

Join The Truth Cafe / Business info wanted! - Visit

Get Your Red Pill Here...
Order your Red Pill - Secure the Truth for future generations and wake any up that you can!Get Your Clothing Here...
This is a good way to support us - And get something for it! See our range of products here. Wear with pride and meet new friends!Join Our New Social Network
Be one of the first to join Our Social Network.. An ideal place to communicate regarding meet ups, ideas, find friends and much more...Click here for subscription details and create your profile today.

Morgellons Worm in Masks?
SPARS 2025/20-2028/23 - THEIR PLAN TO KILL YOU!
Germans Say NO To Jab / Hugo Talks Visit 'Hugo Talks' Odysee Channel Subscribe at Hugo's Web Site
Your God Given Rights
Top EU Scientist Warns COVID-19 Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women Wodarg Yeadon EMA Petition Pfizer Trial FINAL 01DEC2020 - DOWNLOAD PDF
Waking to the New World Order (2009) Visit 'You Resist' Odysee Channel
New World Order Solutions (2009) Visit 'You Resist' Odysee Channel
The Great Reset
Make It Stop - Moaning
Foals - Neptune
Its Time to Go.............
Sites Worth Visiting
Support This Site - Anti LockDown World Wide

Visit Andrew Johnson's Web Site - Investigating the Alleged Covid -19 Pandemic

Visit - Support Tony Gosling's Web Sites -

Find all Common Law Docs and more at this Site - United Together Project

Legal Help arising from protest - Green & Black Cross

Truth Quote
Replace this truth quote with your ad with link to your site. Contact for details.