UKIP Cheshire By-election Having taken time to consider the
implications UKIP's recent
announcement that they will not run a candidate in the
forthcoming Cheshire By-election I am firmly of the opinion
that those responsible for this decision have made a
gargantuan mistake. If nothing else this decision makes UKIP
look like a bunch of enthusiastic amateurs. After all it is a
Conservative marginal and a constituency ripe for UKIP
As I have mentioned to several UKIP members anyone who
has thrown their hat into any ring; be it business, with a hobby
or in politics, then they have to keep it there or be thought to
have given up. There are many out there just waiting to spread
this last rumour. Just think of the kudos New Labour, the
Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Pro European Conservatives
et al will gain from this one omission.
What an opportunity missed.
If the UKIP is going to build on it's European Election
successes then it has to be prepared to have its hat in every
ring, Local Council Elections, County Council Elections, General
Elections, all By-elections and, where thought necessary, Parish
and local Town Council Elections with policies to match. Only
then can they ask voters to 'take them seriously'.
Missing out on the first By Election after the European
Elections is almost like going 'belly up' to the bigger parties.
What matter if UKIP only attracted one or two percent of the
vote. They were there. They would have been seen, they would
have been heard.
Time might have been short, possibly too short but a reasonable
fist could have been made of the hustings. Too few helpers?
Who was asked? I for one could have driven over the hills and
given a couple of days distributing leaflets and I'm sure others
would have been willing to do so.
Too late now I think!
This debacle has made me decide to wait before totally breaking
off my long association with the Conservatives and passing my
gage to UKIP. I want to see results. I want to see continuity.
I want to see a party that has earned support. To date UKIP
have been going in the right direction but this decision has put
them on a minor back road.
Colin Thompson
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