Other Eurorealist sections
  The Measure of Politicians

Question - Is  H.M. The Queen head of state.

Philip Foster went all down this road over a year ago and BRUSSELS ended up
effectively saying it was OK if the oath to The Queen stood for the moment!
Thus since the answer had to be made by the EU H.M. Q. is therefore to all
intents and purposes legally a total irrelevancy and nothing more that
suzerain to the EU and holds any such position as she might be considered to
have as surrogate of the EU.

Thus of course an ex KLA  torturer who had found his way into the police in
Kosovo or an ex Stasi Officer who was now in the Police could under EUROPOL
act fully armed and if his rank was commensurate could be in charge of
British Bobbies in Britain. It is however more likely that British Bobbies
would be patrolling the Streets of Greece and Hungarian Police would be used
in Britain once EUROPOL and Corpus Juris [more aptly called Corpus Judas for
its betrayal of decent justice] are fully implemented.

Likewise the Socio Communist [as in commune] New Model Army which the Evil
Empire is putting in place at this moment, hence the negotiations between
the war criminal George Robertson of NATO and the EU, will be stationed
around the EU for 'repression' [I use the word advisedly - see page 40 para
3 'Corpus Juris - EU Publication ISBN 2-7178-3344-7]. The troops raised in
Rumania will police/be stationed in Britain and those from Britain will be
in Hungary etc.

The velvet glove will be sold as 'standardisation produces economies' and 'a
better way of controlling drugs/pornography/paedophilia etc. the truth is
there is a greater willingness for Police or troops to follow orders and
bang foreigner's heads than for indigenous forces to harm their own

The more one learns about the EU the more one realises just how evil the
entire concept is which is why, in my opinion, one never ever meets a
EUroPhile who has even the vaguest of clues about the facts, costs, details
of the EU. EUroPhiles fall into two categories, those who are feeding from
the EU gravy train and are therefore prepared to lie to maintain their own
scam, or the EUphoric and totally naive who are all rosy rhetoric and
totally without factual information.

The concept of the EU and NAFTA as a dream of the building blocks of a New
World Order and One World Government is 100percent right but unfortunately
it is ONLY a dream and the reality IS a nightmare. It is childish in the
extreme to believe that there is ANY hope of other than serfdom and
nightmare, war and collapse from the concept of corporate globalism marching
hand in hand towards a rosy future for all - the aims of corporate globalism
can not EVER be construed as motivated by altruistic philanthropy.

Checks and balances are an essential not only of life but also of good
governance - the check and balance on corporatist globalism which is
ESSENTIAL is the Independent Sovereignty of Nations with democratically
accountable politicians who can not only be appointed but can also be fired
and replaced by better REPRESENTATIVES.

Even state corporatism MUST generate profit or it will collapse bringing
down the state. The ONLY way state corporatism can survive in an increasing
structure is by massive regulation and the very regulation increases the
high cost structure of non productive regulators which strip the enterprises
of the state of both profit and incentive. The simplest example is the
concept of state control of prices, it was clearly shown that this is a NO
HOPER in the USSR. As soon as the state regulates the price then the product
becomes secondary and there is a fall off in quality. As soon as the state
controls expenditure the controllers, who are unproductive and parasitic,
cut into the investment incentive and again the concept will collapse.

The state control of wages as in the lunatic concepts of the EU social
chapter are best shown in a state controlled industry like the NHS which
year on year, day on day delivers a worse and worse primary care service.
This is brought about by the fact that in order to comply with the state
controlled working time directive and the control thereof the millions of
EXTRA money poured into the NHS over the last 3 years has only paid for
about 60percent of the increased cost of the working time and minimum wage
directives - the balance has had to be found from the primary health care

The concept of the state over regulating prices has been shown in fuel costs
in Britain, the Government sees fuel as a milch cow to fund their profligate
policies and spending. The problem is as they pile on taxes on fuel they are
forced to spend an ever increasing amount on paying those taxes in ALL state
industries, be they NHS, education or local government. Further they deplete
the amount of money in the pockets of individuals as not only do those
individuals have to pay more for fuel they have to pay more for ALL goods
and services utilising fuel, thus spending in the economy retail, new cars,
white goods, fashion diminishes and the state itself collects LESS in taxes
on profitability requiring yet another price hike in the tax on fuel to
bridge the shortfall.

I am no economist but this is self evident to me and must be obvious to most

We must remember the old saying of:
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink, you can give a
politician power but you can't make him think."
Never in modern history has this been more self evident than with the bunch
of cretins currently in the British Cabinet - they are like educationally
subnormal children playing hop scotch in a mine field - they function by
half understood tenets and regurgitated political mantras. This explains why
there is not one single solitary success that they could point to in their 3
years of POWER.

It is not so much that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
but the greater the power the thicker the phalanxes of sycophants
insulating those in power from the realities of life and people. Hence the
astonishment of Tiny Blur, who looked like a small boy who had been caught
stealing cookies, during his vain attempts to deal with the fuel problem.

Tiny Blur's entire handling of the crisis was based on a TOTAL
misunderstanding of the issues, which is why he so spectacularly failed to
solve the problem. The tax on fuel is NOT an issue in its own right it is
the handle to overthrow the hubris and arrogance of the politico ruling
class and their apparatchicks. Just as The French Revolution was portrayed
as being brought on by the price of bread this revolution over the price of
fuel is a product of underlying anger.

The bewigged powdered fops of the French governing elite were seen as self
indulgent, arrogant and hubristic spending Billions on their pet projects
and themselves whilst the peoples of France struggled to survive in
tenements and hovels in the face of rising taxation and mounting costs - so
there is nothing new there then! The degeneracy of the upper echelons of
France was identical to that of Britain of today, their Versailles is our
government's Dome. Their poncing and indulgent sexuality is represented now
by the pederasty, perversion and cottaging so prevalent in our upper
echelons, their obsession with 'self' is seen now with the buying of women
as wives to cover their base perversions. Their corruption of the law is
represented by the naked avarice of Matrix to earn millions from unjust and
unsound law.

The French Government was overthrown and many of its leaders were executed
at the guillotine when the masses had had more than enough of them failing
to represent the needs and wishes of the peoples. Tiny Blur's party is only
in power because they seemed not as awful to the electorate at the time,
the polls that claim his popularity are a measure against WHAT!!

NEVER in modern history has there been a poll of the popularity of
politicians when measured against the desires and needs of the people. The
polls have merely been the measure of the height of one dung hill when
compared with another dung hill.

FAILURE to address this issue by politicians could well lead, in the not far
distant future, to politicians swinging gently in the breeze on a lamp post
near you; as a lesson to those who presume to govern, never again to
represent THEMSELVES but rather those who appointed them, they were NOT, as they all too arrogantly and hubristically assume 'anointed'.

This is NOT an issue of Party, this is not a precursor of wars of nation
states this is a pan EUropean war of the peoples against the arrogance,
hubris, corruption and undemocratic fraudulent behaviour of squalid little
men with high opinions of themselves acting as political leaders not
appointed representatives.

A way for us ALL as members of the public to show that this is revolution
and it is against the body politic NOT of Party origin is:

BoycottPumps @ BP
for One British Pound for One British Gallon

this is achievable and if you happen to be in the police, the army or the
media you ARE a fuel user, if you are a housewife or a student, a civil
servant or a clerk, a magistrate or a pensioner YOU are effected by the
hubris, arrogance and corruption in the body politic.

You can make a difference by showing that you want YOUR REPRESENTATIVE to act in YOUR interest by injecting real funding into the NHS, Hauliers,
Fishermen, Farmers and ALL fuel users by saving the 1,800,000 per hour YOU
currently pay for membership of the EU and leaving therefore saving the tax
extorted by the government on fuel.

We can then democratically as an independent Sovereign Nation divert the
funds required for the green and ecological issues which are imperative to
address in the interests of our peoples, our nation and our planet not just
see them VANISH into the fraud, corruption and regulatory process which IS
the EU and the NWO/OWG of corporatist globalism.

Is it any wonder that the people of Britain are currently involved it a fuel
protest supported by 94percent of the population, despite it having
inconvenienced them greatly. Is it any wonder that the public have
themselves organised, under the aegis of the constitution, referrenda for
over 250,000 member of the electorate by Parish, against EUro expenditure.
Is it any wonder that laying of paper for 'misprision of Treason' in
Magistrates Courts across the land against Tony Blair, Robin Cook, Gordon
Brown and Lord Williams of Mostyn. Is it any wonder that up and down the
land people are threatening to take their Councils to Court over the illegal
enforcement of metrication.

This is just the tip of a very huge iceberg which will show the ship of
states vulnerability - Mr. Blair in full realisation of your disinterest in
history may I remind you Titanic was not JUST a Hollywood movie - The
Titanic SANK.

Good luck & if I can help you in your efforts in defence of
the British peoples and our Nation or
the rights and freedoms of any peoples, against
the  Regionalisation Policy, designed to
break up YOUR Country
on a divide and rule basis etc.

Please just ask.

Do visit our shop, if you are ever in the area.
We are open from 10.30ish. till 5.30pm.
6 days a week.


Greg Lance - Watkins,
Cynulliad i Gymru [trans.: THE WELSH ASSEMBLY],
c/o Glance Back Books          
17  Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX
Great Britain.

'e'mail:      Greg@GlanceBack.Demon.co.UK
Tel:             01291 - 626562
fax:             01291 - 628787
