Lets do something about it 
Campaign Against Fuel Tax
May I firstly express my total support for your campaign in making a stand against the unacceptable fuel taxes being applied by this disillusioned and ill informed government.
I live in a rural area and depend totally on my car which is the only way of traveling to my place of work, carry out shopping and other necessary journeys. The local public transport is diabolical, a bus once a day to the local town some four miles away. Perhaps Mr. Prescott should take a couple of hours out of his ivory tower and sample what a confounded mess he has under his ministerial command (not that he would be interested, he's only interested in advancing his political career just like the rest of them, and well I have to say it, he's an arrogant, uneducated fat bloke with two jags which guzzle fuel - and he's trying to get us all to reduce the amount we use our own cars - so hypocritical it's untrue).
I run my own business which involves a lot of traveling in the rural locality, I am putting it mildly, very annoyed with the situation and it is going to get worse as we all know in the back of our minds.
It must be stopped, and I have decided to do something about it - my intention is to bring selected motorway networks to a halt for several hours as a form of protest, this is the only way the government will understand. I will require full press and television coverage and other like minded people to assist me in this action. So I appeal to any interested parties to get in touch by e mail and we can start planning the way forward. The population will be behind the action, they just need someone to start the ball rolling.
I have compiled a spread sheet showing fuel costs for unleaded and diesel throughout most European Nations - guess what? the UK is by far the dearest, anyone interested contact me and I'll send it to you by e mail. 
I look forward to receiving some of your readers replies. wigwam5@ic24.net
Thank you for taking your time in reading this article.
tim p wigwam5@ic24.net  (Campaign Against Fuel Tax)  21/6/2000

'Blueprint for A Prison Planet'
   By Nick Sandberg

The World

Let's quickly summarise what has so far been written.

As new-born children we are acutely vulnerable. We have not yet
developed sufficient knowledge of our world to be able to deal with
situations our instinct tells us should not be happening. And to cope
with any such events our young mind is dependent on a primitive defence
mechanism known as the repression response.

The repression response is triggered, or mediated, at a subconscious
level, and it's main function is defence. When something happens that we
subconsciously believe may be damaging to us, the experience of the
event and its associated pain are repressed. When something has been
repressed in this manner, we do not fully consciously experience the
event and have little or no memory of it occurring. To keep the memory
subconscious, it is walled up behind layers and layers of fear.

When as children we first experience our parents withholding affection
from us when we do something they regard as 'bad', the repression
response is activated. It prevents us from being consciously aware of
what is happening and covers the experience with a layer of fear. This
happens again the next few times we are conditioned not to do the 'bad'
thing by having affection withheld. Pretty soon we learn that if we want
to receive affection, we must not do the thing our parents did not wish
us to do.

This experience of not receiving affection is intensely traumatic to us.
Our DNA tells us that our parents should love us unconditionally until
such time as we can grieve the painful events of our lives. And that
they will allow us personal freedom to explore our new world with just
their loving guidance to ensure we remain safe. When we experience being
punished for doing something that is natural, both of these deep needs
are being blocked. The experience is likely the most traumatic of our
lives. And so, our defences bury the recollection of this event deep
within our mind. Hidden away in the darkest region of the subconscious
and covered over with a deep, dark fear. The fear that we cannot be
loved. That other beings may be loved, but that the reason we did not
receive unconditional love is because we are innately unlovable.

Because the memory of the original conditioning is so painful to us, and
thus buried under our deepest fear, very few people ever realise that
they are even carrying it around with them. And yet, as we grow up, we
find that our behaviour begins to deviate away from its most natural
course and that, without our realising it, we are beginning to adopt
coping strategies - clever little changes in behaviour and thinking by
which we can avoid contact with the block of fear and pain within us.
These strategies take the form of subconscious compulsive behaviour. And
when we investigate, we find that the most important decisions we take
in life are taken at a level below our conscious awareness.

One of the most important protections nearly all of us naturally learn
to utilise is the persona. The persona is like a shield behind which our
true self can hide and carry out interactions with those around us. We
have been hurt at a deep emotional level, but using the persona means we
can still carry out social interactions in relative safety. Three
important consequences of developing the persona, all of which operate
without our true knowledge, are as follows:

Firstly, because we learn not to ask for what we truly want, but merely
symbolic representations of our needs, we are never satisfied for long
and find ourselves becoming almost addicted to obtaining material
possessions, acquiring personal power, seeking sensual pleasures and
craving adoration - all simply substitutes for the unconditional love of
our parents that was never ours. This is the root of the now universal
problem of greed, for a person subconsciously driven to try and fill a
hole with something that doesn't fill it up can never get enough.

Secondly, because the persona is held in place with personal pride and
self respect, we subconsciously develop a very powerful aversion to
being ridiculed within our peer group. This has the overall result of
greatly limiting our ability to question the taught versions of subjects
like history and science. For to challenge them seriously, no matter
what the evidence, is to potentially provoke ridicule, and thus cause

And finally, because we must maintain self respect to keep our shield in
place, we must also challenge very strongly anything which infers we
could have been negatively affected by our conditioning. Because we have
experienced conditioning, we find it very difficult to recognise the
true effect it has had upon us. And because we cannot comprehend the
tragedy that has occurred in our lives, we can neither heal nor prevent
ourselves from conditioning our own children.

When our parents first withheld affection from us in their effort to get
us to modify our behaviour and become 'good' children, they had no idea
that it would be so traumatic for us. They believed that conditioning
was necessary because they had been conditioned themselves, and
everything they'd been taught about bringing children up to be civilised
creatures demanded that it be done.

They had no idea it was so damaging, because the effects of their own
conditioning were, and indeed still are, trapped within them at a
subconscious level. And so, when they came to have children, it seemed
completely natural to them to repeat what was done to them upon us. And
so, the fears instilled in our ancestors years ago become our fears too.

And the deepest and darkest fear repressed in our subconscious mind is
the fear that we cannot be loved, that we are innately unlovable. It is
so deep and so dark many people will be utterly unaware it is there.
And, if we follow our thinking and behaviour back to its source, we will
discover one great truth about human existence - all thinking and
behaviour relating to the self is ultimately motivated by the need to
avoid the fear that we are unlovable.
It sounds crazy but this is what anyone who delves deeply into their
subconscious mind invariably finds. This need to avoid is natural. As is
the fear itself. It was imprinted into our DNA aeons ago. But, the
degree to which it is activated depends on the degree to which we
personally experience not being loved.

And now, finally, we get back to the 'elite cabal' whose existence was
postulated in the first part of this piece. All cultures condition their
children, but that of the West does so specifically to create the
control entity which we shall now look at. Only Western culture both
activates the dark fear of unlovability and creates the outside
circumstances to manipulate the holders of this subconscious fear into
enslaving first themselves and then slowly the entire planet.

The process of producing 'civilised' human beings by childhood
conditioning creates a self-replicating and ever-expanding vortex of
repression that increasingly draws everyone under the centralised
control of those who created it. The 'civilising' process has three
important aspects. One - the culture imposes the conditioning regime
upon us on the pretext we will not be 'civilised' without it. Two - the
culture then further forbids us to utilise any of our ancestors means to
rid our minds of the effects of conditioning, on the pretext that
'civilised' people don't engage in such behaviour. And three - the
culture empowers us, as products of our conditioning, to increasingly
draw non-western cultures into this vortex of control.

And so, having seen how the first two are undertaken, let's now look at
how this last part in the above equation has been achieved, how the
elite have utilised our conditioned minds as a resource to bring about
the planet's enslavement.

By creating simply the vessels for control - the companies and later the
corporations; and the human positions within those vessels - the job
descriptions and the promotional ladder; the elite have created the
means by which the whole planet can be slowly be brought under their
The corporation is the driving force behind the dynamic to control
everything. It is the machine that enslaves all in its path and that
slowly draws the planet's resources increasingly under its power. And
this driving entity sits embedded within a culture of control. A
self-sustaining, ever-expanding culture that creates the personalities
to work for the corporation and leaves the rest emotionally shipwrecked
within a structure that either imprisons them as worker-consumers or
sidelines them without the means to effectively rebel. (The latter as
inmates of the prison system, inmates of mental institutions, drug
addicts or homeless persons). Emerging as new-born innately beautiful
beings from our mothers, our subconscious minds are so confused by the
bewildering treatment we receive, we allow ourselves to become our own
jailer, and slowly, that of the planet.

The driving force is The Corporation, and the background culture

The complete text is available online at
http://freespace.virgin.net/nick.sandberg/chips.htm Or as a 50 page
booklet price £1 inc P&P from

Relax UK Ltd
31 D'arblay St

Best wishes

Nick Sandberg
