Save Great Britain
Hello there - all you people out there

Please can you tell me if someone is going to stop all this nonsense with President Blair, or do we have to wait until he destroys the whole of the British Life?  Surely there is someone out there who can stop him?  How about HRH Prince Charles?  Please, someone out there SAVE GREAT BRITAIN!  I would if I knew how!

Thank you.
D. J. MacOwan

Get Real & Get Out
so you want to join NAFTA !!!!

The EU will soon have all sorts of regions of abject poverty, just as NAFTA
has - areas like Mexico which are dependent on objective one status and are
aid dependent third world status - like parts of Eastern EUrope, Albania,
Rumania, Wales etc.

Just as NAFTA exploits Mexican labour the EU will be able to exploit labour
in objective one aid dependent areas.

The EU will be an open zone of global corporations drifting from one area to
the next to exploit the grant system. One has only to look at CORUS in
Britain - it is cheaper to sack labour in Britain and employ in cheep
employment areas. BMW bought up Rover for a song - the fact that they made a
complete mess of it due to the inability of German Management to transfer to
British production is a detail, they paid £900 Million to British AiroSpace,
more than one third of the money was in the bank accounts they bought!! They
then moved the best technology to Germany, sold off Land Rover and kept the
profitable mini; thereby they, at BMW, felt they had knackered their main
rival in Britain and could walk away having absorbed the maximum they were
going to get in grant aid.

West Germany amalgamated with East Germany and obtained quintillions of aid
to fund East Germany's rebuild. West German companies opened in East Germany
on grant aid and then when the aid ended they moved ALL the new plant and
technology back to West Germany and closed the East German company or sold
it off for a song. Thus the British tax payer funded the re-equipping of
many WEST German organisations.

So yet again you can see that the EU is just NAFTA at another stage of

I don't know about you but I would far rather LEAVE the EU now than face the
absolute inevitability of war if this crazy scam continues. On a simple
level who the hell would want their next door neighbour to share their bank
account with them and how long would one be on speaking terms let alone
solvent. Almost ALL divorces are based on disagreement over small matters
but so also are most murders!

Lets get out NOW before the inevitable shooting war starts and the damage to
OUR country is even greater. If our politicians like the EU so much why
don't they ALL leave we would not be worse off without them - I'm sure we
could find enough HONEST, DECENT people who would act as representatives and
as our government to replace the corrupt and self agrandising shower there
at the moment. We had government before ANY of our politicians were born and
we can have decent government if ALL of them left.

It is time for a change - oh how right were New Labour! Let us change from
the dysfunctional shower who are there now. No NOT change party nor change
their jobs but dump the whole sorry bunch of them and insist on
representation, ethics, decency, probity and intelligence. OK the change
might be uncomfortable for a while but not one fraction as uncomfortable as
being ruled by a foreign power and dictated to by people with alien beliefs
and values. I am certain you would find more ethics in a whore house than in
our present cabinet.

Yes it is definitely time for a change and lets start the change by
regaining control of our own lives with the repatriation of democracy and
our independent national sovereignty free of the corruption, profligacy and
over regulation of the EU - The first step of any journey must be taken
now - let us step boldly forward to the future making the very first step
OUT of the EU and away from its outdated Victorian concepts to a New Bright
Honest, Decent Future. Better to fail trying to suceed than to perpetuate
the failure which the EU has proved to be.

Greg-Lance Watkins

Please read article below


    One of the well-established laws of economics is the law of supply and
demand.  If the demand is constant and supply increases the price will go
down.  If the supply is limited and the demand is constant the price will go
up.  Almost everyone would agree that this applies to commodities, but few
have considered the fact that it also applies to human beings.

    With the advent of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and
the opening of our southern border with Mexico a number of things happened.
Manufacturers operating in Mexico now had a ready market for their products.
The demand was there for the goods that could be manufactured in Mexico so
much cheaper than they could be made in the United States.  The big savings
for these manufacturers is the cost of labor because the supply of labor in
that part of North America is huge.  Millions of people living in Mexico
today  not only exist in poverty, but they are also starving.  There are
about one million workers in the four thousand maquiladoras south of the Rio
Grande..  The law of supply and demand operates, and some observers have
called it a race to the bottom to see who can pay the least and how bad they
can make working conditions.  Below is an excerpt taken from an article
appearing in the New York Times which tells us what has happened to a
typical worker, who we will call Mary:

    Mary's last employer was Orion Apparel, a plant that manufactures shirts
for Gitano, a subsidiary of Fruit of the Loom.  Mary was paid 38 cents an
hour in a sweatshop that employed girls as young as 14.  When the big orders
from the U.S. companies come in the weekday schedule is 7:30 a.m. to 10:30
p.m., a 15-hour shift. Saturday is the long day: 7:30 a.m until Sunday at 6
a.m,.a 22-hour shift! The vast majority of the maquiladora workers are
poverty-stricken girls and young women. (Mary, for example, lives with four
relatives in a one-room shack with no running water.) The companies make no
secret of their preference for young females. A common explanation is that
girls at about the age of 16 are at their peak of hand and eye coordination,
perfect for the factories.   What they do not mention is that young girls
are the most docile of all workers, less likely to object to abuse or to fight
for any rights.  Inside the factories the youngsters are worked like demons.
Talking is forbidden. Bathroom visits are limited to two a day.  Requests
for medical attention are discouraged.  Wages (some say $35.00 a week) paid
there are so low they will not even cover the food necessary to satisfy minimal
nutrition requirements.  The owners of these companies can do this because
there is an almost unlimited supply of labor, and the law of supply and
demand operates unchecked.

New York Times, 26 July 1995 by Bob Herbert
SWEATSHOP WATCH, 310 Eighth Street, Suite 309, Oakland, CA 94607