NOTES: for British Citizens, Commonwealth Citizens, EU SupraNationals & others are appended below #### With regard to SANITY [Sitizens Against the Nice TreatY] Hi, While I am not British ( naturalized American born in the Netherlands), I fully sympathise with the cause of sovereignty of nations over the "Brussels" solution in its present form. EUroRealism should at minimum recognize the individual identity of the nations of EUrope and the contributions each continue to make to the varied cultural, social and economic tapestry that form the continent. A one-size fits all mono-culture dictated from Brussels is the biggest pile of nonsense I have ever seen in my life. All the way from Alva the Inquisitor from Spain to all the modern maniacs who have tried, ultimately they fell on their face.
Good luck with this campaign. Thomas Schinkel ********************************************** Authorisation for YOUR signature on the Petition? PLEASE DO IT NOW BE A PART OF HISTORY & THE ROAD TO A SAFER FREER FUTURE The terms of your support are your choice however it would greatly help in administrative terms if you would copy the following SUGGESTED FORMAT: COPY PASTE the section between the rows of **s and send it to: [YOUR Name This will be the first of many steps to honour the 1,242,000 Commonwealth Citizens who died in the 20th. Century to ensure Britain's independent National Sovereignty, free from Continental EUropean rule. The 7th. of February 2001 will be the day when 25 Peers of the realm are signing and pledging The Petition to Her Majesty The Queen, on behalf of the peoples of Britain, for the repatriation of their rights, freedoms and democracy, as is their Constitutional Right. Mindful of the position of Her Majesty The Queen's position as a constitutional Monarch; this petition has been expressly worded in the terms of The British Constitution, to provide Her Majesty with a weapon to defend Her peoples - rather than cause Her constitutional embarassment. Should you have ANY questions or queries: I will undertake to answer your question immediately or find out the answer for you rapidly. Please forward this 'e'mail to anyone with whom you are in contact especially friends or associates in the media world wide and locally. Regards, Greg Lance - Watkins, ############################## British Citizens: are requested to obtain and provide signatures for the petition, together with name in capitals and the post code and mail them to: SANITY (address below) or 'e'mail their support to EUroRealist@HotMail.com as soon as possible. Commonwealth Citizens: mindful of Her Majesty The Queen's position as Head of the CommonWealth Her status as Head of State in Britain is of great importance to CommonWealth citizens and we would ask that they send their messages of support of The Petition and Her Majesty to the 'e'mail address or by post as soon as possible. EU Supra Nationals: and citizens of all of the States which are being subsumed into the new SuperState of the EU, who support independent National Sovereignty and trade, peace and harmony between Nations as democratic equals, are requested to 'e'mail or by post giving their support as soon as possible; stating the original name of the Country they were in before it was superceded by the behemoth centralised Super State of the EU. Citizens or Subjects of others Nations: mindful of the FACT that the EU has the intention of being a Mega State with its own Army, Nuclear weapons, centralised control, control of trade, currency and policy and is thus the most likely threat to world peace and destabilisation, at this stage in the 21st. Century: you are invited to send messages of support by 'e'mail or post stating clearly your Nationality. NB 1) If you hold political office please clearly state the office held. NB 2) If you hold title or rank please clearly show that title or rank.
NB 5) ALL 'e'mails received will be printed out and handed to Her Majesty.
'e'mail address: EUroRealist@HotMail.com
Where all the ‘e’mails, letters and signed sheets of petitions will be collated prior to presentation to Her Majesty The Queen. Should you wish to write directly expressing your views to The Monarch please address your letter to: Her Majesty The Queen, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1 GREAT BRITAIN. Should you wish to write directly expressing your views to Your MP please address your letter to: [insert YOUR MP’s name], Member of Parliament for [insert constituency], The House of Commons, The Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA, GREAT BRITAIN. It is frequently found beneficial when writing to an MP to send a copy of your letter to both his constituency and the local press! There are many ways in which you can support this noble cause in defence of the rights and freedoms of the British peoples and the preservation of world peace and democracy. One of which is to forward or copy paste this entire 'e'mail to EVERY contact you have and print it out for photocopying to EVERYONE you know, for whom you do not have an 'e'mail address. You will find full details and updates on: Thankyou for YOUR help and support. Greg L - W