Other Eurorealist sections

E-mail latest events to Idris Fracis ifrancis@mail.onetel.net.uk
Please advise of any errors or omissions, especially any relevant meetings
not shown.
No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy or otherwise of these
details. Please contact event organisers before making plans.

                  DIARY DATES                           
                                           of coming meetings & events.


Updated 20/9/2002

 Friday 20 September
Town Hall, Andover. North West Hampshire.
Andover North West Hampshire UKIP Public Meeting,Nigel Farage MEP Ashley Mote, Lindsay Jenkins  contact Roger Wilson  01980 846354

Sunday September 22nd 2002.
This march forms a key part of, but is not a replacement for,
the varied and continuous programme of events and demonstrations
which the Alliance has already confirmed it will be mounting
as part of its 'Summer of Discontent' and beyond.

All details will be announced in the very near future, but we
wished everyone to know as promptly as possible of this major
news so all of you can put it in your diaries. Major partners
in this event have also been informed of this event.

Alliance Chief Executive Richard Burge said, "The purpose of
this march will be to show Parliament that it would be foolish
to ignore the scale and depth of distrust and anger rural
people feel at this moment. Politically, the countryside is
tinder-dry. Hunting has become the touchstone for the
countryside's over-all concerns. Rural people have lost faith
that the institution of Parliament will deliver a fair
and just resolution to this problem".


Sunday 22 September Brighton. Liberal Democrat Conference  until Wed approx

Monday 23 September 1:00 Belgrave Hotel Brighton 'Regional Government;
Building the Momentum' Chmn Alan Beith MP  Dep lr LibDem Lord Newby Graham Watson MEP Paul Tilsey - Board member W Midlands Regional D Agency (about regionalisation)

Monday 23 September6.15 - 7.30Lancaster Room Hilton Hotel Kings Road
Brighton Delivering the Vision Speaker: Lord Newby (about regionalisation)

 Tuesday, 24 Sept, Braintree Community Centre, Victoria
Street, Braintree 7.30pm.CIB meeting. Lindsay and Ashley Mote on resisting the European Superstate

Wednesday September 25  6.15 - 7.30 Churchill Room Hilton Metropole
Brighton 'Regional Race'  Flo Clukas

Friday 27 September 7.30  Bass Museum, Horninglow Road, Burton-on-Trent,
Staffs. Cross-party 'Keep the Pound' -  public meeting, Nigel Farage MEP
(UK Independence Party) Brian Denny (CAEF), Neville Baxter and Dick Denby
(BfS) and Bill Cash MP contact Sandra Robinson Tel 01283 520502. Ian
Crompton, UKIP

Friday 27 September Whitchurch Shropshire UKIP Harvest Supper Ian Crompton 01283543830

Friday 27 September Chichester W Sussex Public Meeting Geoffrey Collier
01243 820670

Saturday 28 September 12.00 to 4.00 Greater London Assembly, City Hall, The
Guest speakers include Mark Field MP, Richard Barnes (GLA), and
representatives from the police federation, magistrates' association and
media. Admission £5 per person, cheque (payable to CLWCA) to:
David Harvey, 107a Winchester Street, London SW1V 4NX. Or for further
information telephone David Harvey:07711 745582 or e-mail davidharvey1@lineone.net or telephone Tony Devenish
on 07747 640109.

Saturday 28 September  Exbourne Devon UKIP cabaret and finger buffet  David Weeks 01837851379

Monday 30 September 12.30  2.00 Main Council Chamber Town Hall Blackpool
North West 04 - Regional Race Azhar Ali and Arlene McCarthy MEP

Monday 30 September 7.30 - 9pm Louis Room Imperial Hotel North Promenade
Blackpool (Conference accreditation probably needed) regionalisation
Speaker: Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP

Tuesday 1 October 6:00  Burroyd Hotel (5 minutes from the Winter Gardens)
Blackpool 'Regions Ready to go!' Loyd Grossman - Television personality and
Chair of Museums Month Bill Midgley - Prominent North East Businessman and Deputy President of the British Chambers of Commerce Representative of CFER ChmnTony Robinson - Television personality and member of the Labour Party NEC The fringe is expected to be particularly lively and well attended this year, due to the publication of the Government's White Paper "Your Region, Your Choice".

Wednesday 2 October 2002  2.00 Suite A, Ruskin Hotel, Albert Road,
Blackpool Who's voting for regional government? Chmn: Louise Ellman MP,
former member Regional Policy Commission (Millan Commission), former leader Lancashire County Council  Nick Raynsford MP, Minister of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Cllr Phil Davis, Leader, Telford and Wrekin Council, chmn West Midlands Assembly.

Monday, 30 September 5.30 St John the Evangelist Church, Cedar Square
opposite the Conference Centre.  Labour Euro-Safeguards Campaign Fringe
Meeting, Labour Party Conference Chair: Austin Mitchell MP. Speakers: Tony
Benn, Brian Burkitt, Kelvin Hopkins and John Mills. Admission Free, all

Tuesday 1st October 12.45 - 2.00 Ruskin Hotel, Albert Road,
Blackpool.  'What are the implications for Freedom and Democracy of Britain
joining the Euro?' Debate with Christopher Gill, Chairman of The Freedom
Association and Bill Rammell MP., Chairman of the Labour Movement for
Europe. Free Admission.
Wednesday 2 October 7.30  New Milton Hants UKIP Public Meeting Nigel Farage MEP and others tba Bruce Clark 01425 622758
Wednesday 2 October 12.30 Autumn Leaves Restaurant Topping Street
Blackpool. SAVE BRITAIN'S FISH MEETING, LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE The Meeting Room  is Upstairs and Lunch in the restaurant downstairs. It is 2 minutes from the Winter Gardens  .Admission free, with traditional free Fish and Chips Lunch

Thursday 3 October 7.30  Epsom/Mole Valley UKIP Public Meeting Nigel Farage MEP and others tba Ron Walters 01737 789200
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October  Scarborough  UKIP National Conference. .
Monday 7 October 12.30 to 2.00 Marsham Court Hotel, Russel Cotes Road,
Bruges Group Public Fringe Meeting at Bournemouth Conservative
Conference  John Redwood MP, Dr. John Hulsman,Heritage Foundation,
Washington DC, Jan Zahradil MP foreign affairs spokesman, Czech
Republic.  0207 287 4414

Monday 7 October 8.00 Bournemouth International Hotel  CIB Fringe meeting
at the Conservative Party Conference
'The EU: Is it worth it?' Speakers Angela Browning M.P. Andrew Rosindell M.
P. Dr Alan Sked (Academic)
Chairman Russell Walters (Director, Democracy Movement)

Monday 7 October 6 - 7.30 Keble Suite Hermitage Hotel Exeter Road
Bournemouth Delivering the Vision (regionalisation)  Richard Maudslay

Tuesday 8 October 12.00 - 2.30 Klute Lounge Restaurant Bar Bournemouth The North West - region Ready to Go
Speakers t.b.c.

Tuesday 8 October 1245-1400 Bournemouth Hilton Hotel, Westover Road.
Freedom Association fringe meeting during the Conservative Party conference
"Brussels Rules - OK?" Guest Speaker: Neil Herron, Campaign Co-coordinator for the Metric Martyrs. Cash bar. TFA office: 01746 861267 PO Box 2820, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 6YR. Email: mail@tfa.net Visit our website

Tuesday 8 October lunchtime  John Redwood addresses CPC on policy agenda for the Conservatives including European trade not government from
Brussels. John Redwood

Wednesday 9th October 12.45 - 2.00  The Hilton Hotel, Westover Road,
Bournemouth. 'Regional Government: The New Soviets'. Speakers: David
Davies, Welsh Assembly Member for Monmouth, Teresa Gorman, Director of The Freedom Association and author of 'A Parliament for England', Dr. Richard
North author of 'A Democracy By-pass: The Regionalisation of England'. Free
Admission. TFA office: 01746 861267 PO Box 2820, Bridgnorth, Shropshire
WV16 6YR. Email: mail@tfa.net Visit our website www.tfa.net

Wednesday 9 October 12.15 Connaught Hotel, West Hill, Bournemouth Adrian
davies (Barrister) Aidan Rankin (right wing writer), Sam Swirling (former
Pres. Monday Club), Derek Turner (Ed. Right Now!) Ashley Mote (author),
Roger Knapman (Leader-elect, UKIP_  (Right wing action group within the
Conservative Monday Club)

Wednesday 9th October 6.00 to 8.00  The Hilton Hotel, Westover Road,
Bournemouth. Freedom Assn Reception Special Guest John Redwood MP. Tickets only, £12.50  from Tony Hilder, Freedom Assn, Angle House, Lansdown Place Lane, Cheltenham Glos GL50 2LB  Payable to 'Freedom Association'

Saturday 12 & Sunday 13 October CHEPSTOW - meeting at The Huntsman,
Shirenewton, Monmouthshire.
An all Party 2 day discussion forum "The way forward to the Exit from the
EU for Britain and how best to achieve this for the benefit of the British Peoples, ideally by 5th. September 2003, to avoid War and the bloodshed of the Wars of Disassociation, which many now know to be inevitable." Accommodation can be arranged but pre booking is essential. For further details ring: 01291 - 62 65 62 Or 'e'Mail: Greg@GlanceBack.Demon.co.UK

Wednesday 16 October 7 for 7.30  Ryde Castle Hotel, Ryde, Isle of Wight.
UKIP MEETING  Is the EU the New Soviet Union? Speakers: Vladimir Bukovsky - victim of the Gulags and psychiatric wards, much of it in solitary
confinement for 12 years and Nigel Farage MEP. Only a short walk from the
Hoverspeed ferry from Southsea or a train ride down the pier from the Hi
Speed Catamaran from Portsmouth Harbour to Ryde Pier Head. Return boats run after the meeting is over.

Thursday 17 October 9.30am - 12 noon Portsmouth Marriott Hotel (near Docks)
SEEDA (South East England Development Authority (linked to nascent Region) Public Open Meeting
If interested contact Francesca Fogell on 01483 576663 or

Friday 18 October The Cape Horner , Swansea  UKIP SW Wales branch dinner.
Jeffrey Titford MEP.  Contact Malcolm Briggs 01639  639066

Sunday 20 October Lakeview Country Club Bodmin Cornwall Roger Knapman, Ashley Mote and Robin Page John Bass  01503 230055

Friday 25 October Chichester W Sussex Public Meeting Geoffrey Collier 01243

Sunday 27 October Okehampton Devon,  Torridge and W Devon UKIP AGM Roger Knapman and Pam Barden. Contact David Johnson 01237 471 668

Thursday 31 October Luncheon in the House of Commons for the Society for
Individual Freedom on 2002. Richard Shepherd MP has agreed to host He will
speak on topical Parliamentary matters (last year we found his talk a most
refreshing change from the usual claptrap). Tickets, to include a glass of
wine, £36 per person from SIF, 21c Lindfield Gardens, London NW3 6PX Please note: 1) this address is for ticket sales for this event ONLY, 2) send
cheque with ticket request, 3) any special dietary needs MUST be specified
in advance. Thanks.  More details from Mike Plumbe M.Plumbe@BTInternet.com
or Members@Individualist.org.uk

Saturday 2 November  Bruges Group International Conference. Details TBA

Thursday 7 November Farnham Surrey UKIP Public Meeting Nigel Farage MEP and others tba Dick Richard 01252 793936

Saturday 9 November 9.30 to noon, Church Hall, Okehampton Coffee morning
David Weeks 01837 851379

Friday 22 October Chichester W Sussex Public Meeting Geoffrey Collier 01243

16 - 18 November The Assembly Rooms, York Street, Bath [and] the Guildhall
High Street, Bath Bath ELDR Congress Freedom for Growth: Building an Economic Success in Europe (sic) Tentative Time frame for the ELDR Congress Full details on request from


Help obtaining Speakers can be arranged on request, if required.

PLEASE ADVISE: any further meetings Nation Wide or any corrections direct to:  Idris ifrancis@mail.onetel.net.uk