Metric Martyrs Steven Thoburn and Neil Herron today handed over the prize money from their Campaigners of the Year Award to cancer charity
 'CancerBACUP's'  P.R executive Tonia Page.

Left to right -
Neil Herron, Tonia Page, Steven Thoburn 

They won the Award in December by a landslide at a Gala Event at le Palais d'Egmont in Brussels, organised by the European Voice. 

Ironically, one of the other nominations the Martyrs beat was Wim Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, whose campaign was the launch of the Euro. 

The cheque they received with the award was for 5000 Euros and today they handed over the cash equivalent in Sterling (£3,150) to Tonia Page of CancerBACUP in a presentation at Steven's market stall. 

The two men chose the charity because Steven lost his father to pancreatic cancer and Neil's wife Lynn lost both her parents to cancer. 

Even more poignant is the fact that David Jude, one of the magistrates in Steven's first court appearance (replaced by state appointed Judge Bruce Morgan) who joined the Defence Fund as a Trustee, sadly died on Sunday after a short courageous battle against cancer. 

Neil Herron

Metric Martyrs Defence Fund
48 Frederick Street
Tel:    0191 565 7143 / 07776 202045



Tonia Page CancerBACUP
PR Executive
3 Bath Place

Rivington Street

Tel 020 7920 7214 Fax 020 7696 9002

Company Number: 2803321  Charity Registration No: 1019719



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