LAST UPDATED: 11. August 2000
Q&A on the IMPERIAL REGISTER You are welcome and encouraged to give ‘hyperlinks’ from your site to this Web Site or load this page in its entirety to your own Web Site or print out copies for distribution.
This site will be regularly updated to list new
businesses trading in Imperial measurements
Good luck & if we can help you in your efforts in defence of the British peoples and our Nation or the rights and freedoms of any peoples working against or oppressed by the EU, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, OWG, NWO etc. please just ask. View The Register Click here
Jeffrey Titford MEP [UKIP]
Suites 1 & 2, Rochester House, 145 New London Road, CHELMSFORD, Essex, CM2 0QT ‘e’mail: UKIPeast@globalnet.co.uk (Get Britain Out of the EU)
Greg Lance - Watkins,
The Welsh Assembly, c/o Glance Back Books, 17 Upper Church Street, CHEPSTOW, NP16 5EX Monmouthshire, Britain. |
Q. What is Imperial Register?
A. A public list of British traders who are not obeying a
‘draconian’ European Union Directive to sell in metric units only,
rather than serve their clients in Britain’s traditional Imperial
Q. Why do we need an Imperial Register?
A. This E.U. Directive is being fought and UKIP are leading the fight
in the EUropean Parliament and in Britain together with British
Weights & Measures Association and others. The Government
says that the 1994 Weights and Measures Regulations compel traders to
sell all loose goods in metric units only, and require them to use
only metric weighing devices. This legislation was sneaked through
Parliament on the last day before its summer recess in 1999, with no
debate and no publicity.
Local authority Trading Standards Officers (who used to be concerned
with protecting consumers – but under E.U. influence this seems to
be changing) have since been visiting large numbers of shopkeepers and
market traders intimidating them into converting to metric, like it or
not – whether it’s good for their customers or not. They’ve
threatened them with fines of up to £5,000, and possible confiscation
of their Imperial weighing equipment.
UKIP has paid for a Legal Opinion from expert constitutional barrister
Michael Shrimpton [Now available to ALL to view CLICK
HERE] That says that The 1994 Regulations are illegal –
because the 1985 Weights and Measures Act clearly entitles traders to
use Imperial measures if they wish. Michael Shrimpton says that
Regulations cannot nullify an Act of Parliament.
The only way the Government could abolish the use of Imperial measures
would be to bring a Bill before the House of Commons. Our
Government hasn’t got the guts to do that. So UKIP, armed with
Michael Shrimpton’s Opinion, maintains that it is perfectly legal to
go on selling in Imperial measures, and that traders should resist
compulsory metrication if they wish to. The Imperial Traders’
Register is a direct challenge to the Government. This is a case
of British law versus European law. We want British law to
triumph for once!
UKIP’s support for Imperial traders (for details see UKIP’s Web
Site - Anti-Metrication sub-site/web page) will ensure that any
Infringement Notice served by a Trading Standards Officer on a trader,
or any prosecution, can be contested with legal and financial backing.
To date, UKIP has received offers of reduced fees and other assistance
from six barristers, four in London, one in the north of England and
one in Scotland.
Q. I’m in Business – how do I best support my clients and Britain
and ensure I get on the Register please?
A. Glad you asked!
Please contact: Tony Bennett, Political Assistant to Jeffrey Titford MEP [UKIP] or Greg Lance – Watkins in Chepstow, who are co-operating to maintain this Imperial Register, to advertise businesses, on this Web Site and others [Click for Relevant addresses ] Do supply the following information please: 1. Your full Name 2. Your Business Name 3. The goods in which you trade 4. The Imperial Measurements used 5. The Town in which you trade 6. The Council with Trading Standards juristiction 7. Your address & Tel. No. + ‘e’address [none of item 7 will be published without your prior approval]
Q. Has any trader been prosecuted yet?
A. Not yet. But at the time of updating, two of the above
traders, Mandy Reilly and Dave Stephens, have been served with an
‘Infringement Notice’ by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, dated 6
January 2000. We believe this to be the first in the country.
This purports to order them to change six weighing machines from
Imperial to metric and to sell all their meats in metric units only.
They say they refuse to be dictated to by the EUropean Union and will
not obey what they say are invalid orders. If they are still
selling in Imperial measures on 3 February, when the 28 day
Infringement Notice expires, they may then face a prosecution in the
Southend-on-Sea Magistrates Court. We will update you with news
about Mandy and Dave and we propose shortly to open up a special
sub-site/web page to report on their courageous stand against E.U.
dictatorship (which has been aided and abetted, sad to say, at British
tax payers expense by ‘British’ Trading Standards Officers).
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are only aware of one successful previous
prosecution for the ‘crime of failing to sell in Metric measures,
since the E.U.-driven compulsory metrication programme began in the
1970’s. That was against Allied Carpets, for daring to carry
on using yards instead of metres. In the end, they accepted a
voluntary ‘caution’. Yes, a caution is the worst that’s
happened so far to any Imperial trader. Face them down!
Q. I’m in business and want to help and support those on the
Imperial Register. What can I do?
A. The greatest help you can give is to join them on the Imperial
Register or you could send a donation to them direct or our legal
fighting fund.
The fund is called the “UKIP Metric Martyrs Fund”, operated by
Jeffrey Titford’s constit uency office in Chelmsford (address
below) – send cheque's to them – or send donations by BACS to
NatWest Bank (Chelmsford Business Centre), UKIP Metric Martyrs
Account, P.O. Box 12, 6 High Street, CHELMSFORD, Essex, CM! 1BL:
Sort Code 60-05-13, Account No. 89480163. All donations will be
gratefully acknowledged. Any surplus at the end of UKIP’s
anti-metrication campaign will be returned pro-rata to donors.
Donations will be used to pay for solicitors’ and barristers’ fees
and associated expenses in resisting the Draconian -style Infringement
Notices and prosecutions. (Please note that UKIP has a separate
E.U. Victims Fund’ , accumulated from the E.U. allowances paid to
UKIP’s three M.E.P.s, to assist with other cases of E.U. hassle and
distress caused to British people.
Please make a point of supporting the businesses listed on Imperial
Register by purchasing from them wherever possible. Even just visiting
them or sending good wishes to them in their stand against E.U.
dictatorship and attempted crushing of British traditions, freedoms
and laws would be welcome.