Mr Chad recommends the study
of the Silent Majority web site

click image to view

Reason for Mr Chad's return

Mr Chad offers prizes

Mr Chads Vanity Gallery

Wot No images (Posters to print out)

Mr Chad's latest News

Letters/Pamphlets (new)

Let Mr Chad Know

Send your info/images

Mr Chad returns once again to
defend Britain


W O T   C O M P E N S A T I O N

MrCHAD keeps hearing about 


MrCHAD thinks this is bunkum and just 

Government, MAFF, NFU & Meeeeja 


Farmers are NOT getting compensation 

For the animals which are needlessly 

Slaughtered on the Murdering Animals 

For Fun policy of MAFF. 

Farmers ARE getting payment EVENTUALLY 



The Compulsory Purchase money is expected 

To be paid into their Bank Account direct and it is 

Expected that their Bank will then deduct the  

Entirety of their borrowings, loans & overdrafts 

Farmers will then AND ONLY THEN receive the 


It is unlikely that farmers will be able to re-establish 

Their borrowings and will have to live on the cash 

They have left and maintain their farms and their 

Vehicles + pay their insurances etc. from their  

Residual cash. 

F&M which is the symptom of a political disease 

Is unlikely to be considered ‘Officially’ cleared in 

Britain until, at the VERY earliest, October. 

Then you must wait NOT LESS than 6 months 

Before even considering restock, which will be near  

Impossible [as intended]. That means the earliest 

Farmers can think of buying in animals is May 

And how long after that will they have a cash stream  

from animals or produce to sell. 

How can ANYONE believe that the payments for  

Compulsory Purchase could be considered to be 

Compensation for loss of animals, paying off ALL 

Borrowing, living, maintaining the farm & buying 

New stock [IF it is possible] + loss of income for  

Best part of 2 years? 

Don’t let MAFF, The Government, The NFU & 

Most of all the meeeeja con the public. EVERY time 

You hear this term used COMPLAIN LOUDLY!!

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W O T   M A F F  M A K E S   S A V I N G S

MrCHAD has heard that MAFF has been  

Making savings!! 

MAFF have been buying in burn timber 

They have bought burn timber from 

Belgium, even Russia and they even had 

An entire load impounded in Rotterdam!! 

MAF have been buying sleepers for as 

Much as 30 Pounds EACH so MrCHAD 

Has heard! 

Rotterdam impounded an entire ship load 

Because it is ILLEGAL to burn sleepers 

Because of the emission of Dioxins!! 

MrCHAD has heard that MAFF have found  

A cheaper source for sleepers much cheaper 

Well done MAFF for saving money by taking 

Delivery of sleepers from Spain. 

MrCHAD is a little confused and would like  

Help understanding what MAFF intend to do 

With a huge load of cheap Spanish sleepers 

Made of CONCRETE!! 

Foot IN Mouth perhaps?

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W O T    T R A I T O R S

MrCHAD has heard that some people who have 

Been loyally supported by farmers for many years 

Are now working for the enemy to help to destroy 

The British Livestock Industry by helping MAFF, 

The NFU & The Government carry out their 

Needless slaughter of animals to comply with 

The wishes of their Masters in the Evil Union. 

MrCHAD hopes farmers will identify ALL the 

Traitors and NEVER deal with them again in 

The future. 

Farm supply companies who supply MAFF 

Or rent them space. 

Transport companies who supply lorries. 

Plant [JCB etc] owners who contract to MAFF. 

Vets who work for MAFF on their killing spree 

Other than where there is PROVEN Third Party 

Verified & confirmed F&M. 

If MAFF with the help of Vets, Hauliers & Contractors 

Can bankrupt Farmers and drive Farmers to commit 

Suicide FARMERS can avenge themselves and their 

Fellow Farmers and bankrupt the Contractors, Vets 

And Hauliers – Farmers have time on their side!! 

MrCHAD believes that NO self respecting Farmer  

Will EVER again use these traitors. 

MrCHAD in defence of Britain will be keeping records 

And publishing a ‘LIST OF SHAME’ on his Web Site. 

MrCHAD will not add ANY individual to the  

‘LIST OF SHAME’ if he receives a letter from 

a company or individual who assures him that 

they do not and will not assist MAFF, The NFU  

Or The Government in their gadarene rush to destroy 

Britain for the EU’s sake.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



Is hoping that 1,000s of people will give 

Him a ride in the back windscreen of their 

Vehicles and on Posters & Placards on 


Farmers and their supporters, Fuel TAX extortion  

Protesters and many other people who have 

Been LIED to by the present Government, MAFF, 

The NFU and other State apparatchiks will be 

Gathering to protest against the destruction of 

Farming, The Rural Way of Life, the destruction 

Of Fishing, The banning of hunting, the rise in 

Homelessness, the surrender to Foreign & 

Alien rule and the FAILURE of Politicians of  

Both Parties The Labour Lib.Dem.Alliance & 

The Tories to represent Britain and OUR 


Mr. CHAD hopes to see 10s of 1,000s of 

Honest, decent, hard working peoples of 

Britain who have been Conned and Betrayed 

By their Politicians who will come out with  

Any LIE just to get elected and like Political 

Prostitutes will never, in office, represent the 

Wishes of the PEOPLES. 

Mr. CHAD is looking forward to riding with YOU 

On the 6th. And waving to the crowds from YOUR 

Placards & Posters and being taken home by 

People on YOUR leaflets to keep an ear out & 

An eye open & catch more LIARS & CHEATS 

In public office working to destroy & divide 


Mr. CHAD looks forward to seeing YOU at 

High Noon in Smith Square in London on 

Wednesday the 6th. – the day before these LIARS 

Try to CHEAT the peoples of Britain in The Election. 

ALL of you who will have been at Mr. CHAD’s 

HEART of BRITAIN RALLIES at Exeter, Carlisle, 

Worcester & Llandridnod Wells at the MAFF 

Regional Offices at High Noon on SUNDAY the  

3rd. can meet again in Smith Square in London on 


Mr. CHAD is looking forward to seeing you helping 

Him to save BRITAIN from destruction.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W  O  T    B  R  I  T  A  I  N ‘ S
              H  E  A  R 

Mr. CHAD believes that there has 

Been a deliberate attempt to tear 

The Heart OUT of Britain by our 

Own Government, MAFF & The NFU 

Millions & Millions of animals HAVE 

Been slaughtered deliberately & 

The LIES & spin from The Government, 

The NFU & MAFF are undeniable. 

They have refused to consult ANY vet, 

Veterinary specialist, expert virologist 

Or rural specialist UNLESS they have 

Already agreed that they are right. 

They have refused to have open and 

Free discussion with ANY body which 

Does not agree with their lunatic aim  

To slaughter Millions of perfectly healthy 


They have plotted, schemed and spun 

And they have deliberately obfuscated 

Data and information. 

They have dominated the media with 

Their spin and propaganda. 

Their policy is by definition a conspiracy 

And it is a conspiracy against Britain’s best 

Interests and this is an unarguable and  

Proveable FACT. 

To get to the HEART of the truth, The  

Heart of Britain Campaign is now prepared 

To fight back. 

The Heart of Britain Campaign has the FULL 

Support of Mr. CHAD who has come out of  

Retirement to defend his Country once again. 

Mr. CHAD hopes to be present on Posters, 

Walls, vehicles & Leaflets at 4 RALLYS on 

Sunday. Please take Mr. CHAD to the rally 

In the back windscreen of YOUR car so that 

Mr. CHAD can wave and hoot at his friends in 

Other cars. Let the enemy know we are watching  

Their every move. 

The Rallies are at The MAFF Regional Centres in 

Exeter, Llandridod Wells, Carlisle and Worcester 

Starting at High Noon on Sunday the 3rd. June – 

YES this Sunday. 

Everyone who is interested in Justice, Freedom, 

Truth, FARMING, Rural life & The Very Heart of 

Britain PLEASE Join these Heart of Britain Rallies, 

Bring Mr. CHAD in YOUR vehicle and meet  lots 

Of Mr. CHADS on Posters, Leaflets & Walls. 

Mr. CHAD is hoping to meet at least 500 people at 

Each Heart of Britain Rally – See YOU there.
Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist




W  O  T    M  I  L  L  I  O  N  S
O  F     A  N  I  M  A  L  S


Mr. CHAD, 

Has heard that MILLIONS of animals 

HAVE been slaughtered and that 

MILLIONS more will be slaughtered 

AFTER the election. 


Mr. CHAD has heard the Government, MAFF,  

NFU figure which is about 1.1/2percent of the  

Nation’s livestock about 3,000,000 – which is 

The figure they are conning the public into 

Believing because they control the Meeeeja. 

Mr. CHAD KNOWS for certain this is a LIE 

Mr. CHAD has heard informed individuals with

Figures well in excess of 10,000,000 but he  

THINKS this is wrong. 

Mr. CHAD believes that the figure of animals 

Already needlessly slaughtered is between 

8 & 10,000,000. 

IF there was ANY possibility that The Government, 

MAFF or the NFU were implementing the right 


IF there was ANY possibility that the Government, 

MAFF or the NFU were implementing the right 

Policy why are they hiding the FACTS? 

IF there was ANY possibility that the Government, 

MAFF or the NFU were implementing the right 

Policy why are they ONLY quoting their own  

Apparatchiks and hirelings? 

Mr. CHAD challenges the Government, MAFF &  

The NFU to a fair, free and balanced debate on TV. 

One person from The Government, one from MAFF 

& one from The NFU in debate, with equal time for 

Three individuals Mr. CHAD arrives at the studio with. 

Mr. CHAD challenges them to a ONE HOUR live 

Debate during prime time TV. 

IF the Government, MAFF & The NFU are following 

The right policy and telling the truth what have they to fear? 

If The Government, MAFF & The NFU will not accept this  

Challenge then we must ALL draw the same conclusion 

They are telling LIES and this is a CONSPIRACT against 

The Livestock Industry, Farmers, Rural Britain and the 

British peoples. 

Mr. Blair, The Government, MAFF & The NFU ARE LIARS or 

They would accept this opportunity to put the minds of 

Farmers and the British people at rest and clear their name. 

Mr. CHAD believes that the election without this debate is 

A total irrelevance because it will be based on votes gained 

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Mr. CHAD has just heard that vehicles that are  

Contracted to MAFF are to be found in North

Lincolnshire today.

Mr. CHAD expects an announcement of F&M

In the area in the next day or two which he hears

Will be rapidly cured!! He hears this will be used

as the precursor to a planned outbreak in

Mid. July.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


W  O  T     N  O     S H E P S 

Mr. CHAD has just heard that Kevin

Sinderby in The Forest of Dean had

580 sheep. Kevin’s sheep were MAFFacred

in the second wave of needless slaughter in

The Forest, whilst his Labour MP stayed at

home and played with her Organ!

Mr. CHAD has been given the details of the

Test results when they came back from MAFF

                 N E G A T I V E

Mr. CHAD hears that MAFF telephoned

Kevin on Friday – MAFF had phoned to make an

appointment to come and test Kevin’s Sheep AGAIN.

Thum Forrrustrs dusn’t tayk too koindly tuh damn fool


If MAFF can take





so lightly they forget – how many 100s of 1,000s even

Millions have they forgotten to include on their figures?

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



Mr. CHAD has been informed by a VERY

Reliable source that 2 nights ago 3 men

Were arrested in or near Swaledale.

They were found to be carrying boxes

Containing cow’s tongues.

Mr. CHAD would like to know from one

Of the ‘sound’ bricks in the wall: whether

These men were MAFF officials trying to

Silence the cows to stop them telling the

Truth OR was it 3 scalleys who saw a ready

Market for the sale of Tongue.

If you see cheap tongue for sale priced by

The gram or kilo it was probably scalleys,

Cheap tongue priced by the ounce will more

Likely be a genuine offer from an honest

British tradesman. 

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



Mr. CHAD is convinced that F&M is only a


The carrier is MAFF, The NFU and also

The British Government. 

The disease is membership of the EU.

Mr. CHAD has always used the abbreviation

F&M and not FMD for this reason.


If F&M was the disease we would ALL

Sympathise with MAFF, The NFU &

The Government.  

If F&M was the disease it would not be

Necessary for MAFF, The NFU and the

British Government to consistently LIE

And mislead farmers and the public.

Mr. CHAD says ignore MAFF which

Stands for Murdering




Ignore The NFU they do NOT represent

The majority of livestock farmers.

Ignore The Government they are just puppets

For their EU masters – working towards the

Destruction of The British Livestock Industry

For the EU & The New World Order. 

F&M is only the symptom of the disease

Which is membership of The EU and being

Directly ruled by a foreign and alien Power. 

Mr. CHAD says use every method possible to

Prevent needless slaughter and introduce


Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Anyone using any of the Mr. CHAD material is requested to use the image of
Mr. CHAD - Mr. CHAD doesn't care who gets the medals but is very determined
to win the war against EUropean War just like he did last time in 1939 -

Mr. CHAD is very vain and just loves to see his picture on walls and in the
back windscreens of cars because he knows that these are the cars of friends
of Britain, friends of British farmers and friends of freedom.

Mr. CHAD loves to play tag so tag him on 'e'mails or tag him on walls - as
long as he gets to play tag!

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Mr. CHAD is convinced that Knowledge is Power
And as we gain knowledge of the evils of the EU and their supporters
THEY lose Power.

Let them know we are listening and there are more of us
Than there ever will be of them.

Make sure they see Mr. CHAD keeping an eye on them.

Mr. CHAD just loves to play TAG - either TAG on an 'e'mail
Or TAG Mr. CHAD on a wall with spray paint - don't forget to get permission.

Mr. CHAD loves to ride in the back of cars on windscreens.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



Mr. CHAD believes that the BBC should be

denied the right to use the word British

in their title/name.

The BBC is a disgrace to the name British

& should be re named for the sake of truth:

The Brussels Broadcasting Conspiracy.

Countryside supporters were told

by the BBC East Chief Reporter Kim Riley:

'if you people think you are getting on air

you can forget it. 

My instructions are not to film or record you,

your banners or your protest'. 

The Press subsequently referred to collusion

between Blair and the BBC.

Hardly surprising – Tiny Blur has stuffed

The BBC with his cronies and puppets –

As a result Tiny Blur has ‘stuffed’ the

Reputation of the BBC worldwide.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Mr. CHAD does not advocate violence


However he does believe that if every British patriot who supports the
livestock industry, the rural way of life, a free independent sovereign
Britain & British JUSTICE in preference to EU LAW -

Were to paint a Mr. CHAD on a wall - I'm sure you would remember to get
permission from the owner of the wall, I'm sure MAFF would be happy to see
Mr. CHAD painted on the walls of their buildings, so as not to inconvenience
them please try to do it rapidly with spray paint - once you have their

Mr. CHAD thinks there would be a great deal of impact in displaying his
portrait in defence of Britain in the back windscreen of your vehicle and
I'm sure that the death camp wagons of MAFF would be happy to see Mr. Chad
on the sides of their vehicles but do remember to ask them.

You might also like to contact your local County Council and the Highways
authority for permission to paint Mr. CHAD's portrait on Motorway Bridges -
it would cheer people up to be reminded of how Mr. CHAD helped save the
peoples of Britain from EUropean Union between 1939 - 1946.

See how many people YOU can get permission from to paint Mr. CHAD on their
walls, vehicles and bridges - good luck.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


        W  O  T    N  O    D  E  M  O  C  R  C  Y

Agenda for this year's meeting of The Bilderbergers
leaked to Mr. CHAD
by Swedish journalist for Dagens Nyhetter
Enlargement of EU;
the future of NATO;
the EU Army;
agriculture and food safety;
and some of this year's participants:
Henry Kissinger, ordförande
Giovanni Agnelli
Paul Allaire
Percy Barnevik
Conrad Black
Michel Camdessus
Peter Carrington
Kenneth Clarke
Bertrand Collomb
Christoffer Dodd
Stanley Fischer
Katherine Graham
Chuck Hagel
Vernon Jordan
John Kerry
Peter Mandleson
Leif Pagrotsky
Karl Otto Pöhl
Jürgen Schrempp
Jean-Claude Trichet
James Wolfensohn

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W  O  T    N  O    A  N  I  M  A  L  S 

Mr. CHAD heard last night that there was an outbreak of

Further symptoms of our membership of the EU in Clitheroe.

This morning he heard that there was lots of troop movements

in Ilkley preparing for the planned outbreak in Wharfdale which

he heard about last week.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Mr. Chad has been getting messages from the

Cyber Walls - a few bricks for exposing the facts

About the catholic church [Machiavelli was a

Catholic & YES they do more than dabble in Politics!]

But Mr. Chad has also received many reliable

W   H   I   S   P   E   R   S

Keep them coming Mr. Chad will tell your story!

The killing starts on the moors around SETTLE

IMMEDIATELY after the election, if Labour get in.

The farmers will be blamed for lax practice &

Letting sheep roam onto the moors.

EVERYTHING will be slaughtered.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


Mr. Chad has been listening out

For whispers and the news.

His contacts in The South West

In the press - have contacted him

& told him all about a demo:

On Wednesday at High Noon

There will be a demo in Exeter

Outside The Regional HQ of

MAFF which, Mr. Chad believes, stands for





Mr. Chad might be there but you won't see him.

You might see his image painted on walls to

Remind you to help defend your Country against

Foreign and alien rule by a centralized

Dictatorship in Europe - Mr. Chad helped

Defeat the last attempt to create a

EUropean Union in 1939 and is Proud to

Serve his Country Once Again.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


As a result of being in touch with farmers

Soldiers, Vets and the informed one can ONLY

Listen & Mr. Chad has just heard from the

Cyber Wall that there is a probable start

Date - for the final MAFFacre in The

Forest of Dean of the 8th.June.

A little birdie on the wall, whilst Mr. Chad

Was listening for whispers, also heard that

Warfdale was likely to be very busy this week

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


& the walls of Churches may be very thick

But they do overhear a great deal of gossip

And much devious planning!

It is interesting to realise that there has been

One of the largest convocations of Cardinals

In many years in Rome and that this week is

The meeting of the Bilderbergers in Sweden.

Not only is the Church making every effort to influence

Politics at the level of their Bishops - who have been

Recently trying to influence the British elections - but

Also the churches have been working together to manipulate

The British elections at grass roots level.

The Churches have been chairing POLITICAL meetings

the length and breadth of Britain. They have been manipulating

the outcome of the election by both selecting the platform candidates

AND selecting the so called spontaneous questions.

How come all these meetings seem to be addressing

EXACTLY the same questions?

Abortion is NOT an issue in British politics BUT

The same question is being asked at every meeting!

I.C.B.M. defence is NOT a burning issue to the British

A question about 'Star Wars' is being asked at every meeting!

Genetic Engineering is NOT high on the issues but

A question is being asked at every meeting!

Not One Single Question is being permitted about

The EU or the collapsing EUro, which are important issues!

Not One Single Question is being permitted about

Foot & Mouth a burning issue [pun intended! ]

Mr. Chad tells me he is forced to conclude that

The Churches are working to an agenda on the

Instructions of The Church of Rome to manipulate and

Interfere with The British Elections - to promote

the destruction of Britain and ensure the corrupt and evil

progress of The EUropean Union:

A Catholic Construct.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


As a result of being in touch with farmers

Soldiers, Vets and the informed one can ONLY conclude

That the disease is NOT Foot & Mouth that is only the

Symptom - The disease is membership of the

European Union and permitting The NFU, MAFF and

The British Government to be directly ruled by the EU.

The EU is the largest single competitor to The British

Livestock Industry - no wonder they are ordering the slaughter

Of OUR animals when every informed authority advises

VACCINATION is the best policy.

Government / MAFF / NFU are dishonestly only seeking advice

From scientists and quasi scientists with NO qualifications

In this field who are prepared to AGREE with the EU's

Aim to destroy The British Livestock Industry.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


As a result of being in touch with farmers in the

South West - The walls have been talking!!

It is surprising what the walls in pubs will tell you when

Bored drivers are out on a Friday & Saturday night!!

The killing starts on Dartmoor & Exmoor

IMMEDIATELY after the election if Labour get in.

It is an open secret that the deer have F&M

The farmers will be blamed for lax practice &

Letting sheep roam onto the moors.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


As a result of being in touch with farmers in the

South West

The walls have been talking!!

It is surprising what the walls in pubs will tell you when

Bored drivers are out on a Friday & Saturday night!!

Upwards of 300 lorries mostly tractor trailer units

Are being gathered in the South West of England

Many originate from East Anglia.

They have been re kitted to remove logo id. Etc.

The trailers have been rubber sealed & repainted.

The drivers are being paid £35 per hour = £2,000 a week.

Owner drivers are getting £5,000 a week.

They have new contracts and are expecting 6 months work.

On completion of the work the trailers are to be destroyed!

The lorries are being massed NOW

For the haulage of slaughtered animals.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



W A L L S   H A V E   E A R S

As a result of having mailed EVERY farmer in most of Yorkshire

The walls have been talking!!

It is surprising what the walls in pubs will tell you

when squaddies are out on a Friday & Saturday night!!

The Army expect the slaughter of animals to be complete

In Swaledale by mid July then an outbreak is

PLANNED for Lincolnshire and the Army will be

Relocating to slaughter all the animals in Lincolnshire.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist



As a result of having mailed EVERY farmer in most of Yorkshire

The walls have been talking!!

It is surprising what the walls in pubs will tell you

when squaddies are out on a Friday & Saturday night!!

On the 15th. June Foot & Mouth is PLANNED and

The Army is moving against the animals of Swaledale

For a mass slaughter of the animals in Swaledale area.

Mr Chad
e-mail  WotNo@MrChad.co.uk
See the web site www.MrChad.co.UK
Foot and Mouth www.SilentMajority.co.UK/FootinMouth
EUropean Union www.SilentMajority.co.UK/EUrorealist


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