Could I suggest each of you do as I have done
over the last few days – stand back from ‘e’mail
lists and the media and observe and reflect.
It is interesting to note that YOUR
Government is steadily and inexorably achieving the aims of
its masters. The needless kill rate excused by F&M barely
falters, they vary dates by a little on their plans, when they
are exposed, but relentlessly plough on destroying the lives of
farmers and small businesses all over Britain. This is a
Government working for a FOREIGN power to destroy The British
Livestock Industry regardless of the costs in cash or suffering
just as they did with fishing etc.
Almost every action carried out by YOUR
Government as they slavishly obey their master’s orders has
been predicted, with more than coincidental accuracy, from the
start, they have lied, bullied, cheated and driven good men to
suicide. YOUR Government has destroyed the respect rural Britain
has for their Police, who have been the willing dupes of the
Government and have time and again not only broken law after law
but forgotten they are the servants of the peoples, NOT the
enforcers for THE STATE; especially when that State is the
EUropean Union through the aegis of OUR current Quisling
Government, acting AGAINST both the peoples of Britain and the
well being and interests of Britain.
The Government not content with the surrender
of Britain’s defence force to the Rapid Repression Force of a
Foreign Power, now under the control of the trigger happy ‘Pacifists’
Sweden! shortly to be under the Political control of that mouse
that roared Belgium, but the military Generalship of a man with
probably more experience of herding Reindeer than he could ever
have had as a Fin in battle!! No not content with this the
Government has debased our army to the brave role of shooting
sheep, killing piglets with shovels and massacring pigs as they
gave birth.
Is this what Rule Britannia is to be about in
Tiny Blur’s New Cool Britain, manipulated by propaganda and
spin doctors for the benefit of an alien and foreign power?
Rule Britannia where the Monarch commits
unspeakable acts which would and should have had her beheaded
for Treason, in a more honourable time – you have only to read
The Queen’s speech to see the enormity of HER betrayal of the
peoples who protected HER family, generation after generation,
as her winging lakeys hide behind ‘Her Majesty is a
Constitutional Monarch’ – Get Real she signed away OUR
Constitution long ago.
Regurgitating MAFF / DEFRA figures however
cleverly will NOT save a single animal, arguing the niceties of
the legality of a cull over a mountain of rotting bodies will
achieve nothing. Judicial Review will have little real effect
and you have only to study Lord Cullen’s cover-up of Dunblane
to show how effectively Government can hide its guilt and that
of their friends with a Public Enquiry.
Yes it is fun, in ones impotence, to claim
glory for the odd pot bellied pig or ‘phoenix’ calf – it
is understandable to seek glory at the expense of those who try
to predict, it is oh so ‘clubby’ to form little cliques and
hold clandestine meetings – meetings of the pathetic, to asses
the enormity of the failure to date. May I suggest that people
only invite to meetings the people who make them feel
comfortable and massage their egos – since it is becoming
obvious that NOTHING is being achieved to save animals and the
industry, people and Britain, at least you will all feel better.
Perhaps then those who wish to fail can all club together and
have a go at people like Janet, Jenny and others who dare to say
the uncomfortable – don’t forget MrCHAD & I.
Anyone not looking for medals and kudos, not
seeking to regurgitate MAFF / DEFRA / Government LIES and
spurious data but wishing to ACT to achieve, for and on behalf
of Britain might care to contact me OFF LIST with their full
name, full street address and phone number, lets see what we can
DO for our country and the future. This need not in any way
interfere with the enjoyment of lists and the vicarious pleasure
of it being someone else’s turn to be attacked or the glory of
reposting Government LIES or even musing on the ridiculous
possibility that The NFU might do something for farmers, which
is as implausible as the Government acting in the interest of
Britain or our peoples at the expense of their egos and their
Fabianesque socialist/communist desire to lead Britain into the
nihilism of the Oswold Mosleyesque nightmare scenario, the EU,
and the inevitable annihilation and eventually through civil war
to their utopia which will be New Labour’s New Dark Ages.
Already we see, after only 4 years, that the
general economy is slowly slowing down to a halt, the only
growth industry is government and their apparatchiks, the only
increasing employer is hollow government schemes – the health
service and education, followed by transport are is in collapse
and fuel prices are set to rocket, as not only do we watch OPEC
cartel the prices to greater heights, and investment in British
Oil & Gas slumps by 11 percent year on year as it is
strangled by EU bureaucracy but fuel prices will be raped by the
Government’s need and greed for ever more tax to fund their
lunacies and hide their profligacy.
Is it any wonder that they wish to bind us,
in desperation, to their policies and the proven lunacies of the
EU by KILLING our means to feed ourselves.
Of course I know there are those of you who
are awake or awakening – I know from the huge number of you
who phone me and contact me off list, day in and day out [night
too!! And would the young lady who is undermining my resolve by
phoning for long chats when she is in the bath PLEASE continue
as she is saving me a fortune on 0898 numbers and ‘your secret
is safe with me’!!].
If you believe that you can solve the
destruction by any other means than POLITICAL [it has NOTHING to
do with F&M] learn from Leila Khaled, Sanchos Ramirez, Rudi
Deutchke, Jack Straw, Menachim Begin, Che Guevara, Ulrika
Meinhoff, Bobby Sands, Ossama bin Laden, Golder Meir, Ariel
Sharron, Nelson Mandela, Jomo Kenyatta, Andreas Bader, Mahatma
Ghandi, Joschka Fisher, Tariq Ali and a host of other terrorists
greater and lesser - who achieved their aims.
The naked power of a Dictatorship can only be
dealt with by naked power and beyond all doubt the EU is a
dictatorship – thus the will of a tiny minority is imposed on
a massive but disorganised majority, funded and fed by the
ineptitude of resistance and the escalation of tax cost and
imposed controls through State enforcers.
For light relief you might care to study the
methods of the EU, read Kafka ‘The Castle’ and to follow
their concepts of Justice, of which they know NOTHING [just
LAW], read Kafka’s ‘The Trial’. Read Lindsay Jenkins’
pre eminent works ‘Britain Held Hostage’ & ‘The Last
Days of Britain’ or Ashley Mote’s book ‘Vigilance’ or
Richard North & Christopher Booker’s ‘The Castle of Lies’
then the work of John Laughland, Adrian Hilton, Norris McWhirter,
Bernard Connelley followed by Gaylon Ross Snr’s ‘Whose Who
of The Elite’.
Know thine enemy and draw strength from the
certainty that Knowledge is Power.
A band aid on an amputated leg will NOT
prevent mortality so can those of you who wish to achieve and
are prepared to heat the shovel on the brazier to seer and seal
the hemorrhage please contact me OFF LIST as to do so on list
might frighten those who are here for medals and their egos.
Greg Lance - Watkins
17 Upper Church Street
NP16 5EX
Tel/Fax: 01291 - 62 65 62
Do Visit
www.MrCHAD.co.UK |
Please Help to
awaken the peoples of Britain to the reality of the
enormity of the dangers of Britain’s membership of the
Please make copies of this and
distribute them as widely as you can afford.